Governing Body

The Governing Body is a key part of any school; its constitution and responsibilities are set out in various Acts of Parliament.

The Governing Body has three key roles:

  • Setting the strategic direction of the school
  • Monitoring the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the Head teacher
  • Ensuring financial probity

When setting the school strategy the Governing Body works very closely with the School’s Senior Leadership Team. The Leadership Team are responsible for the implementation of the strategy and the day-to-day management of the school.

Membership of the Governing Body

The Governing Body consists of individuals from the various stakeholders in the School.

  • School staff (teaching and non-teaching)
  • Parents who have children attending the school
  • The local community
  • The Local Education Authority (LEA)

We also have Associate members who are appointed for their specific skills or experience. They attend full governing board meetings, contribute to discussions but do not have voting rights. 


All governors have safeguarding training and safeguarding of pupils is a persistent agenda item in full governing board meetings (FGB).

Each governor also has a defined “Link Governor” responsibility. Link Governor roles include: SEND, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Finance, Premises etc. Governors conduct monitoring visits in school, with leaders, staff and pupils, to ensure that relevant policies are in place and are being followed, and to progress our agenda of developing the school.  Each Link Governor role reports to the Full Governing Body.

Governors also visit and support the school on an ad-hoc basis throughout the year attending assemblies, parents evenings, sitting on interview panels, handling complaints, assisting with school trips and in school projects.  

Structure of the Governing Body

All Templewood governors are members of our Full Governing Board or (FGB), which meets 6 times per year, once every half term.

Within FGB we cover areas such as, this list is to provide examples and not exhaustive;

  • ensure that our curriculum intent is consistent with national curriculum guidance and our school strategy
  • the curriculum is being well implemented, through effective subject leadership, teaching and assessment
  • Understand the impact of the school’s approach for pupils in terms of educational progression, attainment and personal development
  • the provision we make for disadvantaged children
  • the provision for children with special educational needs
  • how we manage behaviour, attendance etc.
  • approving and monitoring school budgets, ensuring that money is responsibly spent
  • health and safety
  • premises management

Who's Who on the Governing Body

Instrument of Government

FGB Attendance 2023-24



Governing Body

The Governing Body is a key part of any school; its constitution and responsibilities are set out in various Acts of Parliament.

The Governing Body has three key roles:

  • Setting the strategic direction of the school
  • Monitoring the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the Head teacher
  • Ensuring financial probity

When setting the school strategy the Governing Body works very closely with the School’s Senior Leadership Team. The Leadership Team are responsible for the implementation of the strategy and the day-to-day management of the school.

Membership of the Governing Body

The Governing Body consists of individuals from the various stakeholders in the School.

  • School staff (teaching and non-teaching)
  • Parents who have children attending the school
  • The local community
  • The Local Education Authority (LEA)

We also have Associate members who are appointed for their specific skills or experience. They attend full governing board meetings, contribute to discussions but do not have voting rights. 


All governors have safeguarding training and safeguarding of pupils is a persistent agenda item in full governing board meetings (FGB).

Each governor also has a defined “Link Governor” responsibility. Link Governor roles include: SEND, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Finance, Premises etc. Governors conduct monitoring visits in school, with leaders, staff and pupils, to ensure that relevant policies are in place and are being followed, and to progress our agenda of developing the school.  Each Link Governor role reports to the Full Governing Body.

Governors also visit and support the school on an ad-hoc basis throughout the year attending assemblies, parents evenings, sitting on interview panels, handling complaints, assisting with school trips and in school projects.  

Structure of the Governing Body

All Templewood governors are members of our Full Governing Board or (FGB), which meets 6 times per year, once every half term.

Within FGB we cover areas such as, this list is to provide examples and not exhaustive;

  • ensure that our curriculum intent is consistent with national curriculum guidance and our school strategy
  • the curriculum is being well implemented, through effective subject leadership, teaching and assessment
  • Understand the impact of the school’s approach for pupils in terms of educational progression, attainment and personal development
  • the provision we make for disadvantaged children
  • the provision for children with special educational needs
  • how we manage behaviour, attendance etc.
  • approving and monitoring school budgets, ensuring that money is responsibly spent
  • health and safety
  • premises management

Who's Who on the Governing Body

Instrument of Government

FGB Attendance 2023-24



Governing Body

The Governing Body is a key part of any school; its constitution and responsibilities are set out in various Acts of Parliament.

The Governing Body has three key roles:

  • Setting the strategic direction of the school
  • Monitoring the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the Head teacher
  • Ensuring financial probity

When setting the school strategy the Governing Body works very closely with the School’s Senior Leadership Team. The Leadership Team are responsible for the implementation of the strategy and the day-to-day management of the school.

Membership of the Governing Body

The Governing Body consists of individuals from the various stakeholders in the School.

  • School staff (teaching and non-teaching)
  • Parents who have children attending the school
  • The local community
  • The Local Education Authority (LEA)

We also have Associate members who are appointed for their specific skills or experience. They attend full governing board meetings, contribute to discussions but do not have voting rights. 


All governors have safeguarding training and safeguarding of pupils is a persistent agenda item in full governing board meetings (FGB).

Each governor also has a defined “Link Governor” responsibility. Link Governor roles include: SEND, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Finance, Premises etc. Governors conduct monitoring visits in school, with leaders, staff and pupils, to ensure that relevant policies are in place and are being followed, and to progress our agenda of developing the school.  Each Link Governor role reports to the Full Governing Body.

Governors also visit and support the school on an ad-hoc basis throughout the year attending assemblies, parents evenings, sitting on interview panels, handling complaints, assisting with school trips and in school projects.  

Structure of the Governing Body

All Templewood governors are members of our Full Governing Board or (FGB), which meets 6 times per year, once every half term.

Within FGB we cover areas such as, this list is to provide examples and not exhaustive;

  • ensure that our curriculum intent is consistent with national curriculum guidance and our school strategy
  • the curriculum is being well implemented, through effective subject leadership, teaching and assessment
  • Understand the impact of the school’s approach for pupils in terms of educational progression, attainment and personal development
  • the provision we make for disadvantaged children
  • the provision for children with special educational needs
  • how we manage behaviour, attendance etc.
  • approving and monitoring school budgets, ensuring that money is responsibly spent
  • health and safety
  • premises management

Who's Who on the Governing Body

Instrument of Government

FGB Attendance 2023-24