
 The internet is a fantastic tool and used almost daily in our work, education and school lives.

At Templewood, we aim to provide children with the skills needed to be safe online, how to identify possible dangers and where to go for help if needed, so that they can play games and chat with friends.

Pupils are taught about copyright and respecting other people's information, images etc through discussion, modelling and activities.

Pupils are aware of the impact of Cyberbullying and know how to seek help if they are affected by any form of online bullying. Pupils are also aware of where to seek advice or help if they experience problems when using the internet and related technologies.

At Templewood pupils are taught to critically evaluate materials and learn good searching skills through cross-curricular teacher models, discussions and via the Computing curriculum.


E-Safety,Data Security and ICT acceptable use Policy


Please use these recommended reads to help keep your child safe online:



There is also additional information and advice about supporting young people can be found by clicking below on the titles of the below leaflets. These are provided by Childnet International.

Keeping young children safe online

Supporting young people online

Copies of the above leaflets are found below in additional languages.

Leaflet in other languages 

The CEOP – Children Exploitation and Online Protection – website is a direct link to the police if something online needs to be reported. The CEOP symbol can be found on many websites and can be clicked to follow the link.


For additional information please follow the link below from the Hertfordshire Grid for Learning - Useful links for parents.

This film clip has been designed by CEOP for you to watch with your child. Further advice on how to get the best from these clips is found on their website here