Life at Templewood


School Times

  Nursery Reception & Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2

School starts

8.40am-8.55am 8.40am - 8.55am 8.40am - 8.55am

Morning break

  10.35 - 10.50am 10.35 - 10.50am
Lunch time 12.00pm - 1.00pm 11.55 - 1.05pm 12.15 - 1.10pm
Afternoon session 1pm - 3pm 1.05pm - 3.05pm 1.10pm - 3.15pm




Templewood School Uniform and PE Kit can be ordered from

Click the Ambition Schoolwear button on the home screen.  Navigate to the Templewood page where you will find all of the Templewood uniform and sportswear available.

Items can be delivered to your home (P&P charged if under £40.00) or to the school.

Please enter SCHOOL in the promo code box to get free delivery to the school.

Please allow 10 working days for delivery.

Orders for September start of term delivery must be placed by 15th August.

If you have any questions please email


Templewood School Association (TSA) organises a sale of nearly new uniform each term.  Please look out for details in the newsletter.


Uniform - 

  • Grey skirt and trousers
  • Long or short sleeved white shirt or polo shirt
  • Maroon jumper/cardigan with or without school logo
  • White, grey or black socks / tights
  • Black shoes

Summer Term Uniform

  • Grey or black shorts / culottes
  • Yellow and white checked/striped dress

PE kit

  • Outdoor trainers 
  • White shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Black tracksuit, jogging bottoms or leggings for winter
  • Maroon hoody (optional)

EYFS (Nursery and Reception classes)

Children wear the same school uniform but can also choose maroon jogging bottoms if preferred.

No PE kit is required in EYFS.

Pupils need a spare change of uniform in a draw string bag.

Please can all pupils in EYFS bring in a pair of wellies to be kept in school.


Other information

Please ensure all items of clothing are named.  The children may wear a watch but no other jewellery items. Children with pierced ears must wear one pair of plain studs only. Please try to avoid large bows and headbands and ensure long hair is tied up. Nails should be short with no varnish.


Drop Off and Collection (all pupils)


In order to ensure that all children are safe in school, all pedestrians must enter the school site via the pedestrian gates.  These gates are situated the the left and right of the main gates.

Please ensure a responsible adult is with all EYFS and Key Stage 1 pupils on the playground before school and for collection.

Reception and KS1 parents should enter the school grounds via the gate to the left of main school gate.

Nursery and KS2 parents should enter the school grounds via the gate to the right of the main school gate.

Pupils in Years 5 and 6 can walk home without an adult if they have provided consent through School Gateway or given written consent to the school. 

Dogs are permitted on site if they are on a lead at all times and any dog waste is removed immediately.

If a parent is running late and unable to collect at school pick up time they will need to report to the school office to collect their child. In an emergency where the responsible adult is unable to arrive on time they should telephone the school with the name of another adult from their data collection sheet.



Car Parking

Please note the school car park is very small and spaces are limited, therefore no parents may drive into the school at any time. Parents with a disability may request to use the car park. Any parents with this concession are responsible for ensuring that their child arrives safely through the main entrance.



School Assemblies

Assemblies cover a whole range of subjects and themes. They emphasise the importance of learning how to live together and cover a variety of current issues. The children are encouraged to participate in a range of ways including reading, singing, playing musical instruments, drama and sharing work.

We ask that during Sharing assemblies (Autumn term 2, Spring term 2 and Summer term 2) that photos are not taken to ensure the safety of all our pupils.

Monday Values/Topic Assembly            9:00am Miss Martindill, Mr Desborough or Mrs Moore
Tuesday Singing Assembly      9:00am Mr Lovell
Wednesday Safeguarding/Wellbeing Assembly      9:00am Miss Martindill or Mrs Moore
Thursday In-class Assembly using Primary News resources


Friday Learning Assembly 9:00am Miss Martindill or Mr Desborough



Information is updated on our website and emails are sent to parents and carers regularly.

Class blogs are updated weekly via Google Classroom.

We hold Parent Consultations in the Autumn and Summer term for Year 1 - Year 5 and the Autumn and Spring term for Nursery, Reception and Year 6.  A school report is provided in the Summer Term for Nursery, Reception and Year 6 and in the Spring Term for Year 1 - Year 5.

In the Autumn term we hold Meet the Teacher meetings for parents and carers to learn about a typical weekly timetable and a wider focus on the curriculum for that specific year group.  


Snacks and Milk

Pupils are given free milk until the term they turn five. Following this, pupils up to the end of Year 2 can have milk at break times. Letters will be sent out to parents each term for them to opt in and to remind them about payments.

Fruit and vegetables are provided as snacks for all EYFS and KS1 pupils.

In KS2 pupils can bring in a healthy snack from home. Please do not provide your child with chocolate or crisps.

All pupils need to bring in a water bottle each day, ideally with their name on.



School Lunch

Hertfordshire Catering Limited (HCL) provide our school meals. They provide us with a three week menu which is updated twice a year. Children can choose from a meat or vegetarian option. They also have the option to choose a jacket potato each day. Please follow their parent link for more information HCL must be informed of any allergies pupils have.

Reception and Years 1 and 2 are entitled to free school meals. Your child may be entitled to free school meals from Year 3. To apply please follow this link 

Packed lunch - pupils can bring in a packed lunch if they wish. We are a nut free school so please ensure you check all food items. A balanced lunch should include a protein item, small sandwich or alternative, fruit or vegetable and a snack such as a cereal bar. Please do not provide fizzy drinks or sweets.

 HCL Menu Summer 24

Birthday Treats

To help promote our ‘Healthy School’ status we kindly ask that parents do not provide sweets or party bags for their child's class. An alternative idea is to bring in a book which could be new or one in good condition. The teacher will put a special label inside commemorating the event and acknowledging the donation. This book will be read and enjoyed by the class and longer lasting as a birthday treat!

We hope you will support us on this idea.


School Closures 

Occasionally it has been necessary to close the school due to bad weather.  When making a decision to close the school, there are a number of issues that have to be considered:  

  • Some staff members live a considerable distance from Welwyn.  We have to be confident that there will be sufficient staff able to get here in order to teach the students.  We have to ensure a safe level of supervision. 
  • The condition of the site – is it safe for students and staff to move around the school? 
  • It is a difficult decision to make and parents will appreciate the dilemma between giving everyone sufficient notice of closure and trying to guess what road and weather conditions will be between 8.00 and 8.30am  

If at all possible a decision will be taken the night before or as early as possible on the day.  Our decision will be posted on the school’s website and our school App, which  will be updated regularly. A text message will also be sent to parents and carers via our School Gateway. Please make sure you download the app to save school costs as text messages are charged at 10p per text.

We will inform local radio stations – BBC Three Counties 103.8FMHeart Four Counties 97.6FM or Bob FM 106.7FM and 106.9FM. We will also inform the local authority of closure – this information will be found on the Herts Direct website.

No closure message on our website means that we intend to open and all students will be expected to attend. 

When the school closes we appreciate how inconvenient and difficult this is for families and how disruptive it is for students’ learning.  Our primary concern has to be the safety of the students and staff.  Please be assured we will not make this decision lightly.



Please find a list of documents designed to help starting school at Templewood a little easier.

You will be asked to complete some of these forms (along with a few others) by the schools office staff.



Data Collection sheet



Privacy notice



Travel plan leaflet