At Templewood we ensure all pupils are included in all aspects of the school curriculum. Our SEND Statutory Information can be found through top tabs. This page is for parents and carers to access key information following SEND Coffee and Chats or discussions with the SENCo.

If you wish to contact the SENCo ( Natalie Moore) please feel free to book an appointment through the school office or email


Pupil Documents

As a school we want to ensure all staff are aware of the needs of each SEND pupil and prioritise relationship building through connection. Each pupil has a Pupil Passport that identifies their likes, what they are good at and things they find difficult to support this.

Every child on the SEND register will have an Individual Provision Map, which aligns to the Assess Plan Do Review (APDR) cycle . Each term the parents, class teacher and the pupil (where appropriate) meet to discuss and review any reasonable adjustments and interventions in place. Ambitious targets are set which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed (SMART).  Any external professionals involved would also have their reccomendations relfected on the provision map.  Provision meetings are an opportunity to reflect and celebrate on progress in small steps. We view parents as partners and value the input you can bring to plan your child's provision in school. 



Please find a link to a PowerPoint describing the EHCP process below, along with the EHCP application. The Herts Local Offer is an extremely useful website, which shares how Hertfordshire will support you and your child.  


EHCP PowerPoint                     EHCP Application form




Further support


You may also find the following links helpful for advice and support: 




Coffee and Chat

At Templewood we hold termly SEND coffee and chats open to all parents. Please read the Newsletter for upcoming dates and topics.